
County school boards rebel against K-12 mask mandates

County school boards rebel against K-12 mask mandates

RALEIGH — At a meeting on July 12, the Rowan-Salisbury School Board voted to make masks optional for all students, staff and visitors. The measure passed by a 5-2 vote. Chair Kevin Jones, along with members Travis Allen, Susan Cox, Dean Hunter and Brian Hightower voted in favor while Vice-Chair Alisha Byrd-Clark and member Jean Kennedy voted against. “I’m willing to take that opportunity to make an example to the rest of the school boards in the state,” Allen said of the vote to make masks optional. A second motion was passed by the Rowan board in support of the General Assembly’s…
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As session hits seven-month mark, bills continue to move through legislature

As session hits seven-month mark, bills continue to move through legislature

RALEIGH — Heading into August, state lawmakers have been working to finalize the budget, but in the meantime other bills continue to be sent to Gov. Roy Cooper. As of July 20, there are six bills on his desk awaiting signature. The governor has signed over 60 bills since February of this year, with around 15 of them being signed in July. Cooper has vetoed four bills this year. The four vetoes are Senate Bill 63, In-Person Learning Choice for Families; Senate Bill 43, Protect Religious Meeting Places; House Bill 453, Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics; and Senate Bill 116, the Putting North Carolina Back to Work Act. Cooper holds the state…
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Retired Archdale mayor focused on doing ‘right things’

Retired Archdale mayor focused on doing ‘right things’

ASHEBORO — Once Bert Stone became involved in Archdale’s local government, her passion grew to such a level that it was hard for her to turn away. “It has been a really good run,” she said. “That people thought so much of me means so much. I’m just plain old ‘Bert.’” She held the title of Archdale’s mayor for more than 20 years, elected to a series of two-year terms. The past few weeks have been particularly rewarding, as many have acknowledged her commitment to the community. Stone announced her retirement in late April. Her last day in the position…
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Baker becomes first female officer on sheriff’s Emergency Response Team

Baker becomes first female officer on sheriff’s Emergency Response Team

ASHEBORO — The Randolph County Sheriff’s Office has a female on its Emergency Response Team for the first time in the unit’s history. Deputy Traci Baker completed a rigorous training-and-testing battery to join the team. The tests determined her ability serve high-risk search warrants, handle barricades and take part in other tactical exercises. Members of the team are expected to attend advanced law enforcement training courses and become proficient with specialized equipment to deal with dangerous criminals and situations. Baker began her career with the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office after she completed basic law enforcement training in 2009 in the…
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