ASHEBORO — The Asheboro Junior Women’s Club supplied volunteers last weekend to support Our Daily Bread Kitchen on East Pritchard Street in Asheboro. The women’s club, whose mission is to support women and children in the community, sponsors monthly service projects in support of local non-profits.
Our Daily Bread operates a community kitchen to serve hot meals and dessert to people in need. The group has seen traffic to the kitchen double during the pandemic. The organization also provides toiletries, clothes, coats and other personal items for people who have fallen on hard times.
The volunteers from the Junior Women’s Club, along with volunteers from North Ridge Church, planned the lunch meal, purchased the ingredients and gathered at Our Daily Bread Kitchen to cook and serve the meal on Saturday.
“We are so grateful for all that Our Daily Bread does to meet our community’s physical and emotional needs,” said the club via its Instagram page. “What a blessing to prepare and serve a meal alongside some folks from North Ridge Church.”
If you would like to volunteer at Our Daily Bread, the group has an online sign-up form on their website at For more information about the Asheboro Junior Women’s Club visit their Instagram page at @asheborojuniorwomens.