Asheboro City Council

Asheboro to conduct downtown parking study

Asheboro to conduct downtown parking study

(Randolph Record file photo) ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council approved a study of parking downtown during its May meeting. “Downtown parking availability and management has been an ongoing issue as our downtown has continued to revitalize,” Community Development director Trevor Nuttall said at the meeting. “We think it’s time to bring in an expert in parking operations to look at our existing inventory, supply and demand and present you with potential changes to regulations and policies and offer strategies to improve the overall parking conditions downtown.” In other business, the council will ask the North Carolina Division of Aviation…
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Randolph Savings and Loan building named historic landmark

Randolph Savings and Loan building named historic landmark

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council named the Randolph Savings and Loan building at 115 South Fayetteville St. as a local historic landmark. “This is the dominant, iconic building in downtown Asheboro and it’s nominated for designation by the property owner,” said Ross Holt of the Randolph County Historic Landmark Preservation Commission. “The Randolph Savings and Loan Building was built in 1963 and designed by Alvis George for the firm of J. Hyatt Hammond.” The building is mentioned as a contributing resource to the Downtown Asheboro Historic District, itself on the National Register of Historic Places. “The Landmark Designation Report,…
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Asheboro cuts youth sports fees for low-income students

Asheboro cuts youth sports fees for low-income students

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council met Thursday, Feb. 8, approving a new youth athletics scholarship program that will cut registration fees for youth sports by 50 percent: “60% of boys and 65% of girls in the United States do not participate in youth sports of any kind,” said assistant recreation services director Jody Maness. “Now that is alarming in and of itself, but if you look a little deeper into those numbers, you will find that in homes where the median income is roughly $100,000 a year, that number is pretty consistent. Roughly 39% of those children participate in…
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New councilman reconnects Trogdon family to Asheboro city hall

New councilman reconnects Trogdon family to Asheboro city hall

Joey Trogdon (Courtesy photo) ASHEBORO – With a family legacy of involvement in City of Asheboro government, Joey Trogdon figured if he was going to participate this might be the last chance. So he ran for a spot on the Asheboro city council and won in November. “I thought about it in the past,” Trogdon said. “Then (around 2008) with the recession it was kind of all hands on deck to keep the business. Now seemed like a good time.” His father, Joe Trogdon, spent about three decades in Asheboro politics, first on the city council and then as mayor.…
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Asheboro City Council approves new members and rezoning requests

Asheboro City Council approves new members and rezoning requests

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council met Thursday, Dec. 7 to swear in incumbents Edward Burks and Charles Swiers as well as newly elected councilor Joseph Trogdon, Jr. to their seats. Walker Moffitt was reappointed as Mayor Pro Tem with Trogdon dissenting. “If you have a leading vote getter who’s an outsider, that’s typically the impression to me and a lot of folks that they want a change from the status quo,” Trogdon said in explanation. “For that reason, I won’t support the motion.” The council continued with public hearings on rezoning requests. The first was a request to rezone…
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Asheboro City Council approves new ‘quick response’ fire vehicle

Asheboro City Council approves new ‘quick response’ fire vehicle

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council convened on Wednesday, Nov. 8, tackling a series of public hearings and financial decisions aimed at city development and improvements. The purchase of a quick response vehicle was approved, with Fire Chief Willie Summers highlighted the vehicle's benefits. "The quick response vehicle will enhance service delivery, maneuverability, flexibility, and operability,” the chief explained. “Especially during storms when it’s not practical to respond with a ladder truck or an engine truck." The council approved a contract amendment with WK Dickson, extending the contract time and expanding the scope of duties for work at Asheboro Regional…
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Municipal elections: Challengers displace two incumbents in Asheboro; New mayor picked in Ramseur

Municipal elections: Challengers displace two incumbents in Asheboro; New mayor picked in Ramseur

ASHEBORO – Not all incumbents were re-elected in Asheboro in the municipal elections. Joey Trogdon received the most votes for a City of Asheboro council seat and that means only two of three incumbents will stay on the boards. With three seats open, Trogdon pulled in 1,079 votes. Eddie Burks with 1,049 and Charles Swiers with 977 will keep their seats. But Jane Hughes Redding was knocked off the council by finishing fourth with 924 votes. Harry Okeke had 381. In the race for the Asheboro City Schools board of education, there was a similar pattern. Melissa Calloway received the…
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Asheboro city council approves rezoning for child care center, land lease

Asheboro city council approves rezoning for child care center, land lease

ASHEBORO — The Asheboro City Council addressed several property matters at its meeting on Thursday, Oct. 5. The first action item was a public hearing for the rezoning of a 3.3-acre property at 624 Brewer St. and 621 Franks St. The rezoning from RA6 and B2 (CZ) to an amended B2 (CZ) would allow a large child care center to operate on the site. “The request is to operate a large child care center out of the structure located at 624 Brewer St.,” said Trevor Nuttall, community development director. “In order to do that, she has filed a request to…
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Asheboro to add additional parking spaces, recreational office at Zoo City Sportsplex

Asheboro to add additional parking spaces, recreational office at Zoo City Sportsplex

ASHEBORO — The Asheboro City Council met Thursday, Sept. 7, with multiple budgetary requests on the agenda. The council approved an economic development appropriation for Downtown Asheboro Inc. in order to purchase property. “In the FY23-24 adopted budget, there are some unallocated appropriations for the purpose of economic development purposes,” said Finance Director Deborah Reaves. “The request from DAI is $550,000 to purchase property and place four trash can receptors and two power transformers to address current issues with trash that exists on Trade Street. The second request by DAI is $60,000 for legal services associated with joint efforts to…
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Asheboro Council passes resolution in support of improvements to NC Highway 42

Asheboro Council passes resolution in support of improvements to NC Highway 42

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council met Thursday, August 10, with a variety of property and budgetary matters on the agenda.  The council held a public hearing to rezone property located at 148 and 159 North Street from I2, B3 and B2 to OA6.  “It is actually the city that has filed this application for city-owned property,” said Community Development Director Trevor Nuttall. “This, of course, is the former Acme property that the city purchased at the end of last year. It’s currently mostly zoned I2 general district industrial, which is consistent with the historical operations of the property, but…
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