City of Asheboro

Tree lighting comes early in Asheboro; Check on other holiday-related activities

Tree lighting comes early in Asheboro; Check on other holiday-related activities

ASHEBORO – Holiday activities will kick into gear in Asheboro just a couple of days after Thanksgiving. Mayor David Smith will light the city’s Christmas tree at 6 p.m. Saturday in downtown Asheboro. That will serve as the launch of weeks of holiday events in downtown. Compared to previous years, the lighting ceremony will be earlier on the calendar. In the past, it was held in conjunction with the city’s Christmas parade. “We’re trying to make it a bigger thing,” said Alyssa Chapuis, public information officer for the city. She said many visitors to downtown missed past lighting ceremonies because…
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Asheboro seeks applicants for planning board members

Asheboro seeks applicants for planning board members

ASHEBORO – The City of Asheboro is accepting applications to serve on the Asheboro Planning Board. Applicants should reside within the city limits of Asheboro or within the city’s extraterritorial planning jurisdiction. Interested individuals are advised to submit a résumé and Interest Form for Service on Boards and Commissions, which can be found on the city’s website at or at City Hall. City Council will direct the appointment process for applicants seeking to serve as a representative of the city limits. Applications seeking to represent the ETPJ will be forwarded to the Randolph Board of County Commissioners for appointment. The…
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Asheboro to return to regular water treatment

Asheboro to return to regular water treatment

 ASHEBORO – The City of Asheboro will resume standard water treatment practices using chloramines Sept. 3. This means that customers should no longer notice a slight chlorine odor or taste, such as they may have experienced over the past month, according to information from the city. Each year the city uses a pure chlorine water treatment to help ensure a high level of disinfection in the water mains.  During the remainder of the year, a chloramines treatment is used.  This is a compound of chlorine and ammonia that results in water with little odor or taste. Both treatment methods meet…
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Asheboro sets public hearing regarding funds

Asheboro sets public hearing regarding funds

ASHEBORO – The City of Asheboro will hold a public hearing next week regarding plans for use of funds for the Community Development Block Grant. The meeting is set for 7 p.m. Aug. 8 at the council chamber at Asheboro City Hall. The city is considering revising its Asheboro COVID-19 community assistance program to reassign remaining funds to support construction of a public facility that will increase suitable outdoor space, according to the city’s information. The remaining funds total $243,503. This would go toward construction of the David and Pauline Jarrell Center City Garden along Cox Street. CDBG funds must…
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Asheboro water switches as part of treatment

Asheboro water switches as part of treatment

ASHEBORO – The City of Asheboro will switch to free chlorine as our primary disinfection treatment Aug. 1. This change in treatment is necessary to ensure optimum water quality throughout the distribution water mains, the city announced. Residents might initially detect a slight increase in chlorine taste or smell as the switchover in treatment processes occur. Customers who use city drinking water for certain special purposes, including kidney dialysis, may need to make adjustments because the chlorine disinfection process will change some characteristics of the water, according to information from the city. The city’s plan is that this change in…
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Delayed streetscape should enhance Asheboro’s infrastructure

Delayed streetscape should enhance Asheboro’s infrastructure

Here’s downtown Asheboro's Trade Street, where a project should improve the aesthetics. (Bob Sutton / Randolph Record) ASHEBORO – The streetscape project in downtown Asheboro is still in the works, something that officials said should improve efficiency and spruce up an area of the social and business district. Trevor Nuttall, Asheboro’s community development director, said a state grant is assisting with the project, much of which is focused on and around Trade Street. “It’s every complex and very expensive,” Nuttall said. “It will make it look a whole lot better. It’s a project that has had various turns and something…
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Asheboro to conduct downtown parking study

Asheboro to conduct downtown parking study

(Randolph Record file photo) ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council approved a study of parking downtown during its May meeting. “Downtown parking availability and management has been an ongoing issue as our downtown has continued to revitalize,” Community Development director Trevor Nuttall said at the meeting. “We think it’s time to bring in an expert in parking operations to look at our existing inventory, supply and demand and present you with potential changes to regulations and policies and offer strategies to improve the overall parking conditions downtown.” In other business, the council will ask the North Carolina Division of Aviation…
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Grand opening for sportsplex signals next step for major project

Grand opening for sportsplex signals next step for major project

Here’s a look at Zoo City Sportsplex, a massive multi-purpose park in Asheboro, from last June. The grand opening is this weekend. (Scott Pelkey/Randolph Record) Largest park in Asheboro will offer various activities ASHEBORO – A years-long process of creating a multi-purpose athletic complex is close to the finishing stage. Zoo City Sportsplex has been part of a vision for many city officials, gradually coming to fruition with about six years of construction. “People have been so excited to see and use the sportsplex and they’ve waited patiently,” Asheboro mayor David Smith said. “It’s time to let everyone enjoy it.”…
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Randolph Savings and Loan building named historic landmark

Randolph Savings and Loan building named historic landmark

ASHEBORO – The Asheboro City Council named the Randolph Savings and Loan building at 115 South Fayetteville St. as a local historic landmark. “This is the dominant, iconic building in downtown Asheboro and it’s nominated for designation by the property owner,” said Ross Holt of the Randolph County Historic Landmark Preservation Commission. “The Randolph Savings and Loan Building was built in 1963 and designed by Alvis George for the firm of J. Hyatt Hammond.” The building is mentioned as a contributing resource to the Downtown Asheboro Historic District, itself on the National Register of Historic Places. “The Landmark Designation Report,…
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