Here they come: Photos from Asheboro as schools geared up to start
Scott Pelkey
Teachers and staff from Lindley Park Elementary School hold signs out the window of a bus as it goes through the school district handing out ice cream as part of a back to school event Aug 17.
Lindley Park Elementary School principal Nikia Domally waves hello as the horn from the bus draws local children for some free ice cream as part of a back to school event on Aug. 17, 2023. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]
Lindley Park Elementary School principal Nikia Domally (center), Jada Hazlett (left), and Stacy Dillion (right) hand out ice cream at the Village of Stone Creek apartments as part of a back to school event on Aug. 17, 2023. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]
Teachers and staff from Lindley Park Elementary School filled a bus that went through the school district handing out ice cream as part of a back to school event on Aug. 17, 2023. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]
Carl, Axel, Isaac, and Angelica, pose for a photo with Lindley Park Elementary School principal Nikia Domally and assistant principal Blake Brewer after receiving ice cream. [Scott Pelkey | North State Journal]