
Asheboro to add additional parking spaces, recreational office at Zoo City Sportsplex

Asheboro to add additional parking spaces, recreational office at Zoo City Sportsplex

ASHEBORO — The Asheboro City Council met Thursday, Sept. 7, with multiple budgetary requests on the agenda. The council approved an economic development appropriation for Downtown Asheboro Inc. in order to purchase property. “In the FY23-24 adopted budget, there are some unallocated appropriations for the purpose of economic development purposes,” said Finance Director Deborah Reaves. “The request from DAI is $550,000 to purchase property and place four trash can receptors and two power transformers to address current issues with trash that exists on Trade Street. The second request by DAI is $60,000 for legal services associated with joint efforts to…
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Asheboro radio icon Reid dies at age 62

Asheboro radio icon Reid dies at age 62

ASHEBORO – Larry Reid, a radio personality in Randolph County for more than three decades, died Saturday at age 62. He spent most of his career at WKXR and WZOO, creating an identity on the air and also serving as station manager. He was named honorary mayor of Asheboro the day prior to his passing. He succumbed to an undisclosed illness. A prayer vigil was held last week in Asheboro a few days prior to his death. Reid was a Western Carolina graduate with a degree in radio/television and film and he put that to good use. Around Asheboro, he…
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Randolph EMC’s PHP board announces community grant winners

Randolph EMC’s PHP board announces community grant winners

ASHEBORO – Randolph Electric Membership Corporation’s People Helping People board of directors announced awards totaling $20,000 in community grants to benefit charitable nonprofits in the company’s five-county service area. “For nine years, People Helping People has given back to communities in Randolph, Chatham, Moore, Montgomery and Alamance counties through the Sharing Success grant program,” said REMC communications and public affairs manager Nicole Arnold in a news release. “The board is excited to announce these awards, which represent a significant investment in the organizations that help our members.” The board of directors for PHP awards grants that contribute to one or…
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Seagrove Library celebrates 50th anniversary

Seagrove Library celebrates 50th anniversary

SEAGROVE — The Seagrove Public Library celebrated its 50th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 9, with a fanfare of live music, hotdogs, and fond memories. The event, which originally was going to be held outside, had to be moved into the library as some one hundred people showed up to express their support and gratitude for the occasion. The Southwestern High School Choir opened the ceremony, singing “Down to the River to Pray” before continuing with several other songs. Raffle tickets and t-shirts were available for purchase during the event, along with complimentary hot dogs and drinks for everyone in attendance. …
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Commissioners approve nearly $29 million bid package for construction of Farm, Food and Family Education Center

Commissioners approve nearly $29 million bid package for construction of Farm, Food and Family Education Center

ASHEBORO — The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met Tuesday, September 5, with a variety of budget-related matters and requests on the agenda. The board first recognized the Randolph County Public Library’s Community Navigators Program for winning the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners 2023 Civic Excellence and Innovation Award. “This award is given annually to 10 successful programs in the state, and so from time to time, it’s not uncommon for Randolph County to have a program that is recognized in this way,” said Commissioner Hope Haywood. “This program embeds social workers at the public libraries in Randolph County.…
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Ag teacher finds right fit at Randleman

Ag teacher finds right fit at Randleman

Teacher of the Year Mark Walker, center, is flanked by RCSS superintendent Stephen Gainey, left, and Randleman principal Corey Phillips at last week’s banquet. (Photo courtesy of RCSS)   RCSS honors Walker with annual award RANDLEMAN – Once Mark Walker became involved with agricultural education, he sensed that would be his best avenue to make a difference at Randleman High School. He stuck with it and he was rewarded for his decades in that capacity as the Teacher of the Year for the Randolph County School System. “I hope I can be more of a voice and do more to…
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Providence Grove group places in hunter safety regional competition

Providence Grove group places in hunter safety regional competition

Members of Providence Grove FFA hunter safety team went to Indiana this summer. They are, front row (seated), left to right: Amelia Lackey, Austin Williams and Troy Blakley. Back row: Cooper Wright, FFA advisor and coach Amy Kidd, instructor and coach Bruce Hicks and Christian Swaim. (Courtesy photo) CLIMAX – Members of Providence Grove’s Future Farmers of America hunter safety team placed in a regional competition this summer. Five students took part in the Eastern Regional Youth Hunter Education Challenge, which included safety trail, muzzleloader, rifle, orienteering, shotgun, test, wildlife identification, and archery. It took place in Versailles, Ind. “It…
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Johnson to retire as county manager

Johnson to retire as county manager

ASHEBORO – Hal Johnson is retiring at the end of the year as Randolph County manager after nearly five decades in public service. “It has been my privilege to have worked for Randolph government these past 48 years, and these past nine years to serve as Randolph County manager,” Johnson said in a statement. “We have all seen the many challenges facing our community and it has been my honor to work with so many of you during these historic times.” Johnson is expecting life changes this autumn. “Gloria and I are excited about welcoming our first grandchild this November,…
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She said she killed her lover in self-defense. Court says jury properly saw her as the aggressor

She said she killed her lover in self-defense. Court says jury properly saw her as the aggressor

RALEIGH — The North Carolina Supreme Court upheld the murder conviction of a woman who fatally shot her lover in her bedroom, ruling Friday that the trial judge gave appropriate instructions to the jury about the legal limits for deadly force inside a home. Five of the seven justices agreed to overturn a unanimous appellate decision that had ordered a new trial for Wendy Dawn Lamb Hicks, who was convicted in the death of Caleb Adams. Evidence shows he was shot twice in the back in her bedroom doorway. The majority’s primary opinion said it was proper, based on evidence,…
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Bomb threat turns out to be hoax at Asheboro High School

Bomb threat turns out to be hoax at Asheboro High School

An officer walks outside Asheboro High School after it had been evacuated. (Scott Pelkey/Randolph Record)   ASHEBORO – A bomb threat Friday morning at Asheboro High School turned out to be a hoax. A call received by Asheboro Police Department at 9:21 a.m. claimed bombs were inside the school and the call also claimed to be armed with a weapon with the intent to enter the school. The school was evacuated and students were moved to locations off school property. People on all other Asheboro City Schools campuses were sheltering in place. Shortly before 1:30 p.m., the search of the…
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